MAKING A SPLASH: Local company provides swim apparel for Muslim women

By Sama Wareh
InFocus News
Vol. 2 Issue No. 10 November 2006 Shawwal/Thul-Qi'dah - 1427H

Underwater photography, scuba diving, and professional surfing - not the hobbies you would expect from the average American Muslim woman, especially a hijab-clad one.

But Shereen Sabet, who does all three in addition to swimming, has made it possible for women to conform to Islamic dress codes while in the water.

While companies providing in-water modest apparel have gained increasing popularity in Muslim countries, southern California based Sabet has founded her own - Splashgear.

"After she decided to wear the hijab, Sabet had to find an alternative to the skin-tight wetsuit required for the scuba diving." She found a solution within the existing dive suit market, but realized that for other water activities, American Muslim women had few options.

"Muslim women all over the nation really want to go in the water, but feel hindered," said Sabet.

The breaking point for Sabet was when an older Muslim woman asked her for some modest in-water clothing. The Syrian woman-who was in her sixties-was able to get into the swimming pool and Jacuzzi for the first time in her life. "She said that the hot water in the Jacuzzi made her arthritis feel better. That was when I decided to do Splashgear," Sabet told InFocus.

Sabet identified four criteria for the Splashgear swimming outfits. "They must be modest, comfortable, safe to use, and fashionable," she said.

For the Muslim women who have tried Splashgear's products, the excitement of being able go in the water while maintaining their modesty can hardly be contained.

"I loved it!" said Dalia, a local customer from Rancho Palos Verdes. "Not only did it dry fast, but it didn't stick like all other water clothing does, and that's great for someone who is a bit self-conscious."

Sabet has tested different fabrics to find the best one to maintain modesty in and out of the water. Her product line includes hair covers ($10-$15), swim shirts ($25-$40), and swim pants ($50-60). She sells through the website and also plans to start mail-ordering.